My chronic pain never ends. I am ready to give up and become this opiate dependent thing because my quality of life is already almost nil. No doctor can help me. No alternative medicine can help me. I am to the point where I am praying I don't wake up in the morning. None of my friends in NA have any advice or experience with this. I am tired of going to the ER, tired of going to doctor after doctor. Tired of not being able to exercise or enjoy my family. I can barely work. Don't tell me this will bring me closer to God, because I have lost all faith. Please, is there someone else out there who has had a headache everyday for years on end and how did you deal with it?
I am truly sorry you are in such pain. I won't whitewash it but I will pray for you. I know that there are people in NA who deal with chronic pain, but maybe not in your vicinity.
Hey vw... I had headaches, from moderate to severe everyday of my younger life + migraines every couple months, so I hope that qualifies. I did exactly as you've been doing, going to the doctors, homopaths & specialists, trying every possible remedy under the sun but nothing seemed to work. I was also using and dealing with an eating disorder for most of that time so it wasn't easy since I knew both diseases contributed to my headaches. A couple things I did, that imo helped, were to keep trying to get help... I was finally introduced to a beta-blocker called Propranolol and this med though it didnt change the severity of my headaches it did work to reduce the frequency of them somewhat. By this I mean that my headaches were usually hormonal (roughly 10 days during my period) or a direct result of consuming a 'trigger'. I was able to identify my primary triggers (red wine, foods with a lot of salt & bright light) and avoid them as much as possible... from that point on they were tolerable unless I came off a morph bender or became dehydrated from purging. Ultimately, getting off all narcs and OTC pain meds gave me the biggest relief... today, at 45, my hormonal headaches are usually mild, tension headaches are situational and migraines are maybe twice a year and I have no problem just taking the time to rest/sleep through them... it doesnt always work with the kids around so I try and get someone to take them overnight. Please dont give up... I am with you in prayer!
"The Greatest Possession We Have is The 24 Hours Ahead Of Us"