Have you ever noticed how sometimes a meeting can be exactly what we need..... at the momoment..... to continue onward with our recovery?
I was in a funk for a couple of days and was distressed to have those negative feelings welling up inside me, trying to take me down into that black hole of bad feelings. Nothing significantly bad had occured. But here I was 4 1/2 years into recovery feeling like it all, as in life, was just not working.
Sooo I went to my home group and heard a great speaker and some wonderful shares on the 3rd step. Reminded me the 'fix' wasn't in me. never was, never will be. I can't fix myself. Turing it over to the care of God relieves me from having to think myself better.
Where would I be, who would I be, if I wasn't walking around with my head in dark clouds? I'd be free, free to grow and improve on a daily basis. That's all I get, a chance to live in the moment. The name of my Home Group??