YOUR AT A NA MEETING WITH THE CLARITY/IDENTITY STATEMENT IN THE FORMAT, In Narcotics Anonymous, we are presented with a dilemma. When NA members identify themselves as "addicts and alcoholics," "cross-addicted," or talk about living "clean and sober," the clarity of the NA message is blurred. To speak in this manner suggests that there are two diseases; that one drug is separate from the rest. Narcotics Anonymous makes no distinction between drugs. Our identification as addicts is all-inclusive, allowing us to concentrate on our similarities, not our differences. ___________________________________________ IT IS YOUR TURN TO READ,UP COMES ONE OF THESE PHRASES/WORDS,, ___________________________________________ NA BASIC TEXT,,,6th EDITION,,,, ITS YOUR TURN TO READ,,.UP COMES ONE OF THESE PHRASES/WORDS, PG.135,,DRUGS AND ALCOHOL, PG.148,,GETTING LOADED, PG.137,,ADDICTS AND ALCOHOLICS,,CLEAN AND DRY,,HAPPY AND SOBER, PG 300,,JUNKIES,DOPE-FIENDS,PILL HEADS,,COKE FREAKS, PG.135,,JUNKIE AND A JUICER, PG 148 SMOKING GRASS HERE IS A GOOD ONE,, PG.126,,I BECAME SOBER AND CLEAN, ____________________________________________ YOU ARE PRESENTED WITH A DILEMMA,,,WHAT DO YOU DO? A.,,,PASS AND HOPE SOME ONE ELSE STARTS TO READ. B.,,,START TO MUMBLE SO THEY CANT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. C.,,,CHANGE THE RINGER ON YOUR CELL PHONE SO IT RINGS AND WALK OUT OF THE ROOM. D.,,,SHOVE YOUR FINGER DOWN YOUR THROAT AND THROW UP ON THE FLOOR. E.,,,SQUEEZE OUT A FART AND RUN TO THE BATHROOM. F.,,,CLOSE THE BOOK AND SAY TO THE GROUP,, I AM CONFUSED,THE NA TEXT IS FULL OF PHRASES AND WORDS THAT THIS GROUP SUGGESTS WE DO NOT USE,,WHY DOES THIS NA GROUP SUGGEST WE DO NOT USE THESE WORDS WHEN THESE WORDS ARE IN THIS NA BOOK THAT WE ARE READING FROM? NA APPROVED THESE WORDS SO WHY DOES THIS NA GROUP SUGGEST THAT WE SHOULD NOT BE USING THESE WORDS?
I've never been a fan of the identity statement but we read it in our home goup because some other home group members are really keen on it. I think the basic purpose is not to censor speech or prevent us from talking about different drugs, but to remind us that in NA we identify as addicts. If we think of ourselves as alcholics, potheads, meth-heads, heroin junkies, etc. this fractures NA into different drug subgroups. We all have addiction in common, regardless of our drug of choice.
In my experience, it's done not to be different than, better than, or controversial. It's done to keep in line with our first step and in following our first tradition.
Step One: We were powerless over our ADDICTION, that our lives became unmanageable. Here it's not specifying which drug we used or which addictive behavior we succumbed to, just that we were powerless over the disease of addiction.
Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends on NA UNITY. Unity being the keyword here. When I came to NA, I realized we were more alike than anything and there's a sense of unity when everyone identifies themselves as addicts. We are all part of a recovery family where our last name is "addict." Also, when we focus on our drugs of choice, we lose a connection from those who had different using background as us. We need all the unity we can get!
I don't care what you call yourself, just so long as you keep coming back. Any addict that chooses to come to a meeting over using is a miracle.
If I were to "truly" identify myself, it would be as follows:
Hi! My name is Amanda and I'm a cross-addicted, poly-inflicted, depressed, suicidal, homicidal, alcoholic, pot-head, shroomer, sexaholic, compulsive spender, obsessive gamer, adult child of alcoholic, codependent, compulsive overeater, nicotine, and caffeine addict.
I just choose addict. It's way easier to say.
Also, the references you made refer to the stories in the back of the book...
I'm a cross-addicted, poly-inflicted, depressed, suicidal, homicidal, alcoholic, pot-head, shroomer, sexaholic, compulsive spender, obsessive gamer, adult child of alcoholic, codependent, compulsive overeater, nicotine, and caffeine addict.
Looks like my short list! Today and for years I simply identify myself as my name is Mike, I'm a grateful recovering Addict. Early on (three plus decades ago) some of us kind of played with our identification: drunkie-junkie, pharmaceutical garbage can, addict alcoholic (most common), pin cushion, recovering (insert religion of your childhood here), dope fiend hope fiend, smoker toker, psychdelic prisoner etc. Made kind of a game of it. We didn't realize playing with our identifications was diluting our message or breaking traditions. And there was no Basic Text to even refer to or rail against, just the Little White Book and a few IPs. Yet many of us stayed Clean anyway.
Time passed along came a new breed of book thumping NA Nazis. How dare you speak other than what's in The Book! Some took great pride in being able to quote passage after passage to drive their point home. And that was ok too. Each is on their own Journey of Recovery.
While usually I share in meetings in very non-drug specific ways, yet there are times moved by the Spirit to remember and share past specifics. I've come to believe sometimes a fresh off the street newcomer needs specifics to begin to feel a part of, to begin their process of indentifying similarities instead of differences.
There is no NA Dilemma in my mind, spiritual principles are never in conflict.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
Actually Mike M in NAs early days 3 decades ago plus they were well aware that what ever words they chose to use were their own words and the correct words to use.In fact the NA traditions have always encouraged all NA members to feel free to use their own words at any and all NA gatherings.In 1993 the NA book it works how and why came to be.This book truly reenforced that assertion,,,,,,here it is very clear,,,,,,,,,, The book ,It works how and why. Trad.11 pg.208 Each of us has our own life,our own words and our own story,all adding dimension and color to the message of our fellowship.
So Mike M.,as you can see the NA traditions encourage us to feel free to use our own words. Also Mike is another good one relating to this subject. Tradition 8 Pg 188,What is Narcotics Anonymous, after all, but a fellowship of addicts freely sharing with one another the simple message of their own experience.
All NA members are encouraged to share their own experience and should feel free to share this experience at any and all NA gatherings.
it works how and why,tradition 4,,pg. 155,,autonomy does not relieve groups of their obligation to observe and apply the spiritual principles embodied in the traditions,,basic text 5th edition tradition 4 pg 63,,a narcotics anonymous group is any group that meets reguarly,at a specified place and time,for the purpose of recovery,provided that it follows the twelve steps and 12 traditions of narcotics anonymous
Keep Coming Back.What doesn't kill me (with laughter) makes me stronger! I've found it so hilarious over the years hearing from those who feel that must personally teach each of us how to work our programs. Haven't encountered a serious book thumper in a spell, what fun. Personally I'll just keep working my program, offer my ESH when asked or prompted by the Spirit, and by the Grace of God through the Power of NA celebrate 31 in 9 days.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
Hi Mike M.sorry to here you still dont know much about the NA Traditions.I have been clean and sober for 36 plus years.I learned of the freedom that the NA Traditions offered my 1st year,,
I suggest you get a sponsor that can give you a NA Tradition guide or i can keep giveing you some much needed NA Tradition lessons.
i dont know about anyone elses program as i only work mine but why do you feel the need to fix something that isant broke and correct everybody else...because of your control issues that i feel you are conveying you might just be endangering the life of a new comer who has come here to find a simple way to get clean as it is enough to just get clean... the way i feel is that youre trying to discredit the steps and traditions wording because of something that doesnt concern anyopne but you and maybe you need to do an inventory of your motives and maybe think that your actions might cause someone to go out and use maybe even die.... we are addicts and it doesnt matter what the drug or drink of our choice is the primary purpose is to get and stay clean and help another addict to do the same...for me my journey began with keeping it simple....the traditions were very confusing only when i had some time in the rooms clean did i begin to undertand more....if you have a problem take it to the top dont have start conflict at the bottom let the newcomers survive without conflict.. let them keep coming back even if its on line its a start ...dont confuse the confused and scared. JUST SAYIN...!
kelly lofquist
Dont stress over what couldve been, chances are if it shouldve been, it wouldve been...
Thats right Kellyrae, change the subject just like a good well programed purist,,Backed into a corner Kellyrae by the freedom of the NA Traditions..Just do as Mike did and put me on ignor,,,,,,,,,,,Thats all he can do for the freedom of the NA Traditions has him backed into a corner he dont know whats going on.Thats one of the funny things you purists have in common,
After a few NA tradition lessons you dont know what to do,,
sing a tune,change the subject say i am gonna ignor you just like a little girl,,too funny,,
Ask Avid,Raman and a few others,,,,,they will tell you that there aint no way around the freedom that the NA traditions offer,,,,,,,,,,,,
The book ,It works how and why. Trad.11 pg.208 Each of us has our own life,our own words and our own story,all adding dimension and color to the message of our fellowship.
After reading this NA tradition quote. Question ,Should NA members feel free to use thier own words? YES or NO Question,After reading this NA tredition quote. Should NA members feel free to share their own story?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I know a few things about the traditions too, with 27 years clean. The 5th tradition says that our primary purpose is to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. Although this forum is not an official NA meeting, I try to follow the 5th tradition when I post here.
Been hearing some of the same stuff at my home group of AA, lots of addicts there recovering from drug addiction. The business group brought up addicts not share but guess what, its an open meeting, all of them are open so they better close a few . The message ought to be one addict helping another alcoholics are addicts too, addicted to alcohol but cant jam that one down a closed mouth LOL im both so i have no dilemma :)
Each group should stick to the traditions of there group, that is what holds the group together if there followed ubt we're all addicts most are still a little insane so dont expect perfection and remember rule #62 dont take yourself to seriously, but thats AA heh heh....
Thats right Kellyrae, change the subject just like a good well programed purist,,Backed into a corner Kellyrae by the freedom of the NA Traditions..Just do as Mike did and put me on ignor,,,,,,,,,,,Thats all he can do for the freedom of the NA Traditions has him backed into a corner he dont know whats going on.Thats one of the funny things you purists have in common,
After a few NA tradition lessons you dont know what to do,,
sing a tune,change the subject say i am gonna ignor you just like a little girl,,too funny,,
Ask Avid,Raman and a few others,,,,,they will tell you that there aint no way around the freedom that the NA traditions offer,,,,,,,,,,,,
The book ,It works how and why.
Trad.11 pg.208
Each of us has our own life,our own words and our own story,all
adding dimension and color to the message of our fellowship.
After reading this NA tradition quote.
Question ,Should NA members feel free to use thier own words?
Question,After reading this NA tredition quote.
Should NA members feel free to share their own story?