There are so many words to describe what ultimately can only be called fear.
I'm in these past several days. Don't really know why, but I got it.
that uneasy feeling that something isn't right. Fear of the future?
Have been here before for sure. Know the things that work to make me feel better, namely do esteemable acts, be generous with others, get in some physical exercise, pray and meditate, talk to sponsor/support group.
So that's what I'm doing....It's worst in the morning but as the day goes on and i do stuff program related it fades and i feel better.
Don't understand why these feelings keep returning. I keep kidding myself when i get into a good place for awhile that I'm past those old feelings. but they come back and that pisses me off.
But I look for the good news these days and the glass is indeed half full.
I don't need to use drugs to get over troubled feelings, they do pass, i don't feel nearly the discomfort I used to, and I have a program that instructs me what to do when I feel negative or fearful....that is the blessing I have today.
Work In Progess ...We identify whats the heck is going on(may not know why)We talk about it (if need be with sponsor) , taking a constant inventory, We dig in our "tool box"(spiritual principles of our program Narcotics Anonymous applied in our lives guided by our Higher Power)we "make decsions and take action knowing that we will leave the results to our Higher Power and yes we don't use drugs(or people or situations )And even then we may still have them lingering feelings of "ants and squirrels :)but were doing some work...... I know I can truly identify........Sounds like progress moving in the right direction...for years(KEEP IT ON ME) WE bombarded ourselves with with "supplements" to keep us from our feelings, now we face them using all the help available..........Good work my friend!!!! Staying constantly reminded of our gratefullness to actually feel something is truly God's grace and mercy.....This too shall pass.(just seems to take longer at times,I know for me this round of my "STUFF" has been wearing thin but I was able to identify and correct the course,Just For Today!Talk with you on the rebound..Thanks for the hope shot........................
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Thanks for sharing that. A few years ago I was having some serious anxiety issues. I shared about it a lot--with my sponsor, in meetings, with other addicts. I did a lot of praying and writing too. None of this made it go away immeadiately (no quick fix) but it all helped. Hang in there.
Yeah those squirrels and ants were all over me LOL Today is alot better. When ever I get unsettled I know the solution lies in our program. If I can summon the willingness to diligently apply the spiritual principles that guide us, then all is well. I don't use no matter what, and keep faith in my higher power knowing in my heart that this will pass.