Last night at my homegroup , we had a person who has gone by her nickname for as long as I have known her .As she shared last night, her first statement was my real name is.....and its not ,this or that. I am ready to know the real me and let you all also know. I have watched her grow in the last couple years and it was truly a blessing to remember her just a meager two years ago crying at this same meeting saying she can just not get past the 2nd step, finding that Power greater than herself seemed to be impossible for her. The miracles of Narcotics Anonymous and truly "coming to believe" it now so evident in her life .She is excited because she is working on her fourth step with her sponsor and her growth is amazing..When we let God work God's will in our lives we get down on our knees in prayer and meditation, it is truly the way we get back up on our feet. When we love our Higher Power completely and our values are God centered, it seems as if the choices we make always seem in tuned to God's will for our lives. I will keep this on me,but you may identify..Truly a wonderful evening and a reminder that it really does work if we just continue to work at it! Have a blessed and productive day.
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Good Morning !!! Funny, but I just shared this same thing with my homegroup yesterday. This program and the 12 steps are giving me the freedom (and the courage) to finally explore who I really am, what makes me me, for the first time in 52 years. I am grateful to be able to do so, knowing not all will be just as I would like, but that through the grace and guidance of my HP, I can become all that I am meant to be. Clean and sober. What a freedom and truly, truly a blessing. Peace.