Thank you Manon, for sharing this. I will admit, when I clicked on your link and saw that the video was 20 minutes, I almost didn't watch it. But I did, and by the end of it, I had tears streaming down my face, tears of joy and of hope. During my active addiction, a big part of what I was trying to run from is the fact that I have a child with a disability and my fear of what will become of him when I am no longer here to advocate for him, to make sure he is cared for and cared about. I am learning to trust that the God of my understanding will be here, as he/she/it has been all along, even when I did not realize it. I have never looked at my son's disability as a curse, but I often did wonder why him, why me and my child. A line from the video which I will carry with me always " The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph". I have always felt my child was special, now I realize he is a "glorious triumph" Thanks for helping me along on my journey of recovery and faith. Take Care. Peace