Please don't say you are going to ring us then don't, please don't say "we should catch up soon" then not arrange to do just that, please don't say that you will be in touch, that you miss us then never speak to us. Please don't say you are a friend then ignore email. For someone who is alienated through injury and not socialising much, we hang on to those promises but they get broken over and over again and it's hard. Either keep the promise or don't make it at all,
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Hey Manon! just another example that people will let us down at times and we have no control over what others do.It will be up to you to determine how you are going to let it affect you.Try not to build any resentments that will keep you twisted up.It is difficult but we have to remember that we(keep it on me)have hung many out to dry during my reign of terror and devastation.I still have limited periods where I may not come through,but I try and rectify all situations as soon as I can. Nothing wrong with sharing with others how you feel.I have family members that would always tell me stuff and never follow through,I had to let get of my expectations of others or I would get torked and they would not even be concerned or even aware..Today I have only one sure reliance ,that is on God as I understand God,always there for me even when Im absent!! Have a blessed day,let it go ....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hang in there manon find more support there somehow, get some folks who will love yuh and help when you need help but dont always depend on people, thats not what the program teaches, we need to depend on a higher power then human beings and once you have that connection thats your life line.
Developing relationships was one of my biggest difficulties when I got into recovery. I've been the one to let people down time and time again... 4 years into recovery and I'm still not perfect. I'm glad to say I'm better today than I was yesterday with relationships.
One of the best things I can do is to try and walk a mile in another's shoes. The JFT the other day spoke of "difficult people" (Saturday I think). Try reading that one. Helped me, anyway...
I've found that reaching out to more people yields more calls/emails/etc rather than trying to rely on just one or two people.
Today I have a number of "women of choice" in my life. I have Audrey for NA-Nazi questions, Faye for step work, my sponsees keep me motivated, and a number of gals to just sit 'n' bitch with. When I first started, I didn't reach out. I felt lonely, isolated, unloved. Once I got outside of my comfort zone and reached out to others, my life DRASTICALLY improved.
People, even members from the fellowship, will fail to be there at times for us. They will disappoint... at times such as these, it helps me to open to the possibility of someone else supposed to be there for me instead. Often times, help for me has not come from where I define it or want it. It comes from unexpected quarters too... Most of my disappointments have been due to the fact that I tend to choose who ought to be there for me and from whom I will not receive help...
And at times, simply connecting to the Power of WE, to the fellowship, mostly through a face-to-face meeting or at an online fellowship community such as this helps... These days, I just open my heart to whoever I run into at such meetings or fellowship gatherings... I take whoever I meet with on a particular day as God-sent, exactly those I need that day...
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.