Many of us cling to our fears, doubts, self-loathing, or hatred because there is a certain distorted security in familiar pain. It seems safer to embrace what we know than to let go of it for the unknown.
Basic Text, p. 34
We have often heard it said that when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, we will change. Our fear can keep us from growing, afraid to end relationships, change careers, attend new meetings, begin new friendships, or attempt anything out of the ordinary. We stay in situations that are no longer working far longer than we have to simply because what is familiar feels safer than the unknown.
Any change involves overcoming fear. What if Im alone forever? we might think if we consider leaving our lover. What if I find out Im incompetent? we may wonder when we contemplate changing careers. We may balk at attending new meetings because we will have to reach out. Our minds manufacture a hundred excuses for remaining right where we are, afraid to try something new.
We find that most of our pain comes not from change but from resistance to change. In NA, we learn that change is how we move forward in our lives. New friends, new relationships, new interests and challenges will replace the old. With these new things in our lives, we find new joys and loves.
Just for today: I will release the old, embrace the new, and grow.
Yeah... applied for a new job but didn't get it. I'm trying to be upbeat about things... I at least TRIED - which is different than just crabbing and doing nothing like before. My current job is not what I want to do, but I guess I'm grateful I have one at the moment. The pain for change is here, I just need to be open to whatever comes next.
I sincerely hope the person that got the job was unemployed before and NEEDED the job...
The only thing constant is change. Fear of change is lack of faith. Fear of change is False Evidence Appearing Real. Not changing, doing the same things over and over expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. Grow or go!
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
Praying about leaving job been at 33 years,(leaving a good salary/benefits etc) taking early Social Security(64) and moving to Florida from New York WHERE I HAVE LIVED MOST OF MY 64 YEARS.12% unemplyment/not my type of weather,giving up some things that I enjoy doing(working with a new band/hunting for deer during bow season/my church family)... so wife can be near her family!! I have really learned though thats its not about just me, 25 years of my active addiction kept me there,I no longer live like that I am confident WE WILL ADJUST IF THAT IS HOW IT GOES, but yes digging deep to step out on faith once again...........I know God will guide OUR path, I just continue to pray,meditate and listen best I can , we'll make the decision and leave the results in the hand of that Power that already knows our path!We do get "stuck" in that familiar area huh!!!
-- Edited by MIKEF on Wednesday 15th of June 2011 10:37:40 AM
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
The only thing constant is change. Fear of change is lack of faith. Fear of change is False Evidence Appearing Real. Not changing, doing the same things over and over expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. Grow or go!
The first acronym I heard for FEAR was F... Everything And Run...and the last one was Face Everything And Recover...I heard once that Courage isn't the absence of fear but the mastery of it..I loved that =)
Carrying the message of hope and freedom from active addiction to the addict who still suffers.
The only thing constant is change. Fear of change is lack of faith. Fear of change is False Evidence Appearing Real. Not changing, doing the same things over and over expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. Grow or go!
The first acronym I heard for FEAR was F... Everything And Run...and the last one was Face Everything And Recover...I heard once that Courage isn't the absence of fear but the mastery of it..I loved that =)
Well said. I should have said rather staying stuck in fear is lack of faith. Fear is natural and can be healthy, channeling the energy of fear into action rather than wallowing in inaction.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA