Recovery begins when we forever give up the hope of having a different past
The more time I spent re-living a past I couldn't change, my family.. the abuse..the wrongs done to me (real and imagined) the more I was missing out on the today that I could. Once I heal my past, I can be of service to those who are in need of healing..
Carrying the message of hope and freedom from active addiction to the addict who still suffers.
The past is gone and I just can't change what has happened. Tommorow never comes. All I have is today and I pray that I make the most of each and every day as it comes...........
Thanks's one of my favs comes from a series of books, "The Wisdom of the Rooms"....they have weekly reflections that are simply the cliches we hear in the rooms, they are followed by a few questions to write about that reveal how the reflection fits in your life...if you google the books you'll find them =)
Carrying the message of hope and freedom from active addiction to the addict who still suffers.
OUCH that one hurt buts its true.See you and Rhiv hit a little spiritual bumb in the road.Thats very common with me to.I always try to do to much early when I get clean.Its noble ,but sends my stress and anxiety levels thru roof.Since Im such an expert actor, I think I convince even me,that Im fine.This time screw it man,Im going to meetings,and Im not doing nothing for as long as humanly possible. I already told everyone,Im going to have flu for about a year so leave me alone .My friends think Im nuts ,when I was younger they thought I had a death wish.They may have been right about being a little crazy,but it was the drugs depression and just not giving a damn.Thats what drugs did to me.Now half of them are dead and I walk the earth like a jolly green giant.I never told anyone this.Sometimes I wonder if it was luck,or god.
I dont feel better today.Im at end of physical detox about 10 days.Concentration is about 1 hour per day.Depends how much sleep I get ,you know.Im going to get blast of cortizone,and xylocaine in neck this month.Im in a decent amount of pain thats for sure.A few lucid moments,but a long way to go. Hope your well ,thanks.