I friend I have known since I started posting here in 05' posted this on facebook and I felt like someone could and might understand the deepest parts of me thru this so here it is I hope you can understand what kinda world I live in...
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
I love that song and i love pink and i love the video. story of my life. brought back some memories of my broken family and my broken life but its in the past even though i still have those dark days every once in a while. thanks for posting that! loooooooooooove youuuuu
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
My sponsor was invited to speak at a speaker meeting the other night. I have heard his story many times but i never fail to get some real benefit from hearing him share his story He had spoken for close to half an hour and was wrapping up. There was nothing new, but it was ok. then just before he closed he said "I want to leave you with a thought, I call it my thought of the week" And then he said "Forgive everbody.........everything" And with that he closed. Bam. It hit me like a punch in the belly. How simple, how beautiful, how divinely inspiring. When I forgive, the burden is lifted from my back. The simple act of forgiving you, sets me free. Life can be beautiful. Be well.