at midnight I will have 30 days the most time I have had in quite some time I am grateful for a God that gives me refuge day to day breathe by breath if needed I am so grateful for the spiratual gifts I am recieving I talked to my shrink cause I though tI might be paranoid he says it's not paranoia it is anxiety which made me feel a bit more at ease Today my best friend moves in with me so I am excited about that we are supposed to do kareoke tonight with her and her daughter who considers her my niece I am just really grateful for alot today My HP is a Good God!!! all the time
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
today is my second day in the chat room i have read alot of recoverys taking place. iam trying really hard to beat this habit. i hope this chat room helps