well i guess im just tired of living in this small ass town every body knows every body and people still judge me on my past history yea ive been to prison yea i lost my kids for drug use but fuck look at me now im clean sober my kids are coming home im trying to change my life for the better stop talking shit im trying to change stop the he said she said b/s give me a break a complement something stop living in the past i cant get a job here because well son ya been to prison what makes you think i want someone like you around here well you can give me a shot let me prove to ya i changed and ill show ya people who so calls help people yea right help me change i got a family to support .fuck it.i got my beatiful wife to help get me through the day my kids as well if it wasnt for them who knows were ill be today thanks your my world well every one stay strong stay sober dont let nothing get ya down
Hey 49erman! yup it is the way it rolls,we didnt leave a pile of wreakage over nite,it took awhile, so its going to take some work to move forward.I can suggest staying close to people working an "honest" program of recovery and you may be able to get some aid from that.We change our attitudes and behaviors and thats what others see,not what we say but how we live....The disease will take this time to really mess with your commitment to recovery so be diligent and do the things that will keep you moving forward in your recovery,day at a time.Its great you guys are showing up here but nothing replaces face to face meetings,sponsorship and doing the step work,,our solution...I know this sounds like"yeah right can't even ......(fill in the blanks)....but believe me as long as you don't pick up ,the light of hope remains burning....you and your wife have a blessed valentines day,free from the illness ,at least for today,the only day we have....peace......
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Same here! Grew up in this town, used in this town, got clean in this town. It's a town of 12,000, but still, everyone knows everyone else's business. I guess it's a way to keep in check, for me. If I lived in a different town, people wouldn't care if I went back out. Here, I'm under a microscope and as they say, actions speak louder than words. If I keep my side of the street clean, I'm doing just fine. People do see changes... it just takes a while for it to sink in that it's not some temporary bandaid over the bullet wound... it's all-out surgery! We do recover!
Hey, to me it read like your on the right track. Your life is going good, heck real good. Whats better than the love of a good spouse and children? aka family. NOTHIN. Nothing is better than family my friend, and you got it now. Hold on to that thought next time someone only remembers your past when they glare at ya. Besides, they will change. You have.
I have a cousin, who did time.. about 9 years. Hes out, owns and runs his own construction biz. Now how the heck do u think he did that? He had 4 children he couldnt give a dam about before he went in, because heroin was his master. who he served. He found all kinds of unconditional love waiting in those 4 kids, and that has fueled him to move mountains.