today is been a good day i guess Still clean and still going, I seen my babies yesterday i miss them so so much that it hurts but i look at them and i see them haveing a wonderfull life now that me and my wife are clean and sober we could of never givin them all the love and attention they need when we were useing drugs it fills so good to play with them and see them so happy.I have some good news my son went to the doctor and the reason he was blinking is cause he has allergies in his eyes so they gave him some eye drops and hes not blinking anymore.I was so scared that he had something wrong with him i prayed and prayed and the good lord is watching over my family. I could never give my family up for drugs or friends they are my life i am nothing without them. I cant wait for my wife to have our baby girl i wonder who she will look like my son and doughter both look just like me so maybe this one will take after my wife, well they all got her bright blue eyes.Either way we have made some good looking kids, anyway thats it for now.
Glad things are going well. Staying clean is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. Don't use, go to meetings, work the 12 steps with a sponsor, make friends with people in recovery, stay away from old using buddies, pray and meditate...