I am new to this idea of online meeting. I am in tas and there is only a couple of meetings a week. Today was my first day with $ in my pocket I didn't score speed. I am on done too but I cant just stop taking that and I cant go to rehab with my kids. I have always been scared to start going to NA cause I am on the program. thing is I cant come off it with out NA. So I hope you will except me for who I am and where I am at.
Of course you are accepted for who you are and where you are at in your life. I am very new at this, and I can tell you, the people on here are amazing!
Welcome. The only requirement for NA membership is the Desire to stop using. If you want what we have to offer NA has one promise, freedom from active addiction. While NA is a program of abstinence from all drugs, the only requirement for membership is the Desire. Just go to meetings, Clean or not doesn't matter you will be accepted. One day at a Time we have a choice to not use if we don't want to. That's something I never had before, a choice not to use. Fear of the unknown is normal but NA meetings are the cornerstone of recovery in the NA program. I alone can do it but I can't do it alone. Online interaction is helpful but does not replace the live meetings.
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA