My name is David I am an addict.N A has allowed me to stop using lose the desire to use and I am learning to live a new way of life,Wright Know it hurt s alot,My brown eyed girl left me about 4 months ago,that still hurt s alot,I m getting laid of at work in the new year,and I have a hard time at Christmas because of family that s not in program.I m going to meetings and I m still greatfull to be alive and clean,I just want share that I m feeling scared,Hurt and alone wright know.It seem s my life is constanley changing,but today i a have life thank god for narcotics Anonymous.Thanx for Letting me share.
Welcome. Glad you're clean today. Sounds like a lot of painful stuff. No one promised us life would be easy when we stopped using drugs. But I know life is a heck of a lot better than it would be if I would still using.
Welcome ,we say 'pain shared is pain lessened"!Life will always keep coming at us,trials and tribulations,but by putting our faith in trust in 'a Higher Power,following the spiritual pricinples of our program NA,we can find a peace that surpasses all understanding.The rooms are always open(at least in my area)reach out to another addict,share your feelings and be blessed another day free and clean from active addiction.Feelings are part of life,how we handle them is a process we learn..I wish you peace and a wonderful holiday and life in "freedom"...
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Welcome David. Good to hear in the midst of your trials you're continuing going to meetings and posting here. You are not alone. We can't take your feelings of fear and pain away or solve your challenges for you, but together we can lesson each other's burdens. I've come to believe my God of my understanding won't throw more at me than I can handle, if I'll but ask for help.
Five years ago my youngest brother died of cancer, then later in the year my mother died of cancer, then the day I returned to work at HP (Hewlet Packard, not our HP!) from bereavement leave for my mother's funeral I was given two weeks notice. (not that I was the first, it was the 12th round of layoffs, right sizing, restructuring, reinventing etc.) Hell of a year. 25 years Clean and layed off from my job as a Field Service Engineer Team Leader of ten years. At one point I was nearly totally consumed by depression. I'd drifted away for a spell and gotten out of the habit of regularly attending meetings so it took quite some time to work through it. I am still Clean today by the Grace of God through the Power of NA. I was lucky I had enough Program "in the bank" sort to speak after 25 years Clean to survive that space in time without regular contact with other recovering addicts.
I've learned my lesson and Just For Today plan to never drift away from actively staying involved in NA again. 30 years Clean and still need NA, damn right!
Work the Steps or Die MF. (My Friend :) Clean One Day At a Time by The Grace of God through The Power of NA
Well Let me start by saying that Im very sorry to hear that life isnt going well for you.. But have you heard of that saying..... Good things come to those who wait I am a true believer of this because now that I quit using everything is falling into place for me. And I hope everything goes well for you the same . Just dont turn back to your old habits
God grant me the serenity, to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference........... This prayer has been my saviour in all areas of my life. Most call it the serenity prayer, some of us call it the addicts prayer......