day one all over abgain no justifications no rationalizations i chose to drink I am sorry for the stupid thing i did but i owe only me an apology but i let everyone down I don't know much else to say just wanted to admit my wrong choice
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Thanks for sharing honest!The question is always"what are you going to do different this time!! Relapse is not the shame,the shame is not making it back,I can only suggest checking for 'reservations' in your process and focus on it...As always in support and prayer!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Commitment is the word of the day Manon. I had to accept that I am powerless and that I'm an addict. This was a long time coming for me. I could say the words but didn't truely belive them with every fibre of my being. Today accepting things for what they are gives me the freedom from the obsession and compulsion to pick up anything.
Not "day one all over again"...just "day one", period. One (today) is all we ever have. The only real choice is what we are going to do with it, minute by minute, hour by hour, decision by decision. Live it sober or live it not sober. As long as I don't pick up the FIRST hit I stay clean. Everything flows from that. Simple...not easy, but simple. Yet, simple ONLY if I truly accept the first step, as Ruthy sez. My 2-cents worth: get to a meeting, get around recovering people,. If you can do 16 hours at a fair full of people, you can surely do an hour or so at an AA or NA meeting, even if you don't say a word.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU