Although politics makes strange bedfellows, as the old saying goes, addiction makes us one of a kind.
Basic Text, p. 87
What a mixture of folks we have in Narcotics Anonymous! In any given meeting on any given night, well find a variety of people who probably never would have sat down in a room together if it werent for the disease of addiction.
A member who is a physician described his unwillingness to identify at his first meeting by refusing to go into that room full of junkies. Another member with an extensive background in jails and institutions shared a similar story, except that her shock and surprise stemmed from the realization that there were nice people therewearing suits, yet! These two friends recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary.
The most unlikely people form friendships, sponsor each other, and do service work together. We meet in the rooms of recovery together, sharing the bonds of past suffering and hope for the future. We meet on mutual ground with our focus on the two things we all have in commonaddiction and recovery.
Just for today: No matter what my personal circumstances, I belong.
I came into NA as a senior in college without a long criminal record or any of the other problems that some people in the program had. I had not shot heroin or cocaine, but that's what most of the people in NA at that time had done. Most of the people in NA then were "street" people and I felt very different at first. But I soon felt welcome and learned to identify with people rather than compare myself to them. We all have addiction and recovery in common.
On the surface we see many differences. But with honesty, open mindedness, and willingness we find that beneath the surface lie the similarities. We all came to these rooms filled with self centered fear and self loathing. We were lost and alone and desperate for a way out. When I look past the surface and listen to the message, I find the similarity. We all belong.
Two great statements made in Who's An Addict" really brings in to perspective how misinformed we really were before we "showed up" It says,THOSE of us who have found the program of Narcotics Anonymous know,,,we do not have to think twice,,we know..,so about those who haven't yet found us?? And it states"MOST of us didnt consider ourselves addicted before we came into the rooms..,Not some or a few but most!!! Now how is that possible,after 25 years of devastation and obliteration on myself and all around me how could I not know!!!! Our disease tells us we don't have a disease,we were closed minded,dishonest and unwilling.(lets keep this on me)... it is cunning,baffling and insidious(waiting to entrap,lurking,harmful but enticing,established before knowing its apparent!!) My seat in the rooms is a gift from my Higher Power ,(who I choose to call God)Each and everyday "more is revealed!!!My name is Mike,I am an addict,I suffer from the disease of addiction and have found the solution through the grace of God,spiritual principles of Narcotics Anonymous and the willingness to continue working the process ,one day at a time and doing the things i need to "stay clean and carry the message of hope to the still sick and suffering"I am so grateful to belong with others just like me!!!!Thank you God for allowing me that one last choice,to carry on to the end,jails instituitons,deriliction or death or find a new way to live.....!!!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.