okay I have been around ppl for 16 hour days after being in my room for over a year I am so ready for sunday to come to and end the pay check is nothing compared to the drama from the company I work for so I will be relaxing all wekk thank god I am grateful that itried and suceeded in a short term job but I found out real quick why I quit working that fair and now with my pain issues and anxiety on top of everything I figured why I quit in the first place and on that note I used to work as an exibitor in the building so I wasn't a "carny" now I know why GOD THE DRAMA I like my little worls RAynez world all my friends are here lol I miss ya'll looking forward to being lazy monday thought I would write due to aggitation from the day to get it outta mt=y head I just hate the way some ppl act I am too damn old for all the mess the company wants me to travel with them I said hwll no not just no but HELL no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! staying in a bunk house with all that mess f*** that! anywa y I just needed to vent love ya' hope to chair on wednesday
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Manon,Good you let it all go,that sounds like no fun.I don't blame you for not wanting to travel and live in a bunkhouse.Take care ,I hope your glad those 16 hours are over.
For me, it's all about balance---nothing to excess. When I get off center, I start to unravel and have zero tolerance for the shortcomings of others!! Which of course just fuels my own shortcomings, be they physical, mental, spiritual, behavioral, etc etc.
Balance for me includes maintaining a reasonably consistent daily routine, in order to keep my sleep, rest, nutrition, etc. (my whole person) at a steady simmer, rather than jumping from freezing to boiling, with detours into the swamp and the desert while I'm at it.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU