We suspect that if we do not use what we have, we will lose what we have.
Basic Text, p. 78
Addiction gave a pattern to our lives, and with it a meaninga dark, diseased meaning, to be sure, but a meaning nonetheless. The Narcotics Anonymous recovery program gives us a new pattern of living to replace our old routines. And with that new pattern comes a new meaning to our lives, one of light and hope.
What is this new pattern of living? Instead of isolation, we find fellowship. Instead of living blindly, repeating the same mistakes again and again, we regularly examine ourselves, free to keep what helps us grow and discard what doesnt. Rather than constantly trying to get by on our own limited power, we develop a conscious contact with a loving Power greater than ourselves.
Our life must have a pattern. To maintain our recovery, we must maintain the new patterns our program has taught us. By giving regular attention to these patterns, we will maintain the freedom weve found from the deadly disease of addiction, and keep hold of the meaning recovery has brought to our lives.
Just for today: I will begin a new pattern in my life: the regular maintenance of my recovery.
Recovery from addiction is about more than just not using drugs; it is about changing my habits, attitudes, and ways of thinking. I must become a different person.
Our lives always have patterns. The difference for me since discovering Narcotics Anonymous is that the patterns I am developing are healthy. My old patterns were fear based and self destructive. As I progress through the steps, go to meetings, and gain more trust and reliance on my higher power and the fellowship, my patterns are improving my life instead of destroying it. God bless NA.
Our goal is recovery through our solution ,the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous and not just abstinence!!I am getting to know who I am and I like it!!(only by God's grace)
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.