well,wellwell, right here waiting for you !!! I am experienced in online sponsorship and have contact worldwide with recovering addicts in NA FEllowships accross the globe. Id like to offer myself to your needs ,moreover as a practical, time tested relationship based on guiding you thru the 12Step Tarditon of Narcotics Anonymous !!! My name is Raman. My clean date is December 21 1987. ive worked the Steps with my sponsor and also have been serving in various trusted servant positions in my group ,area and region. I have a few sponsees now, and still work with a sponsor. and because in Na we generally suggest same sex sponsor, me being a male will not come in the way on the online version. However a female sponsee will be encouraged to discuss gender issues with females !!! so do i fit into your plans ? remember two things it is a previlge for some one like me to be asked by someone like you to be a sponsor, dont be shy, even with a no !!! sponsorship in NA is implied and informal and as long as it works and i can constructively guide you in your recovery,, its all right !! Bye for now and God Bless you !!! 9and whether yes or no, please feel free to reply !!!)
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Can you help me I also am looking for an online sponser my clean date is 5-18-05 and I am in desperate need of one so if anyone can help me out here I would really appreciate it.
I am a 47 year old woman who has been in NA for 11+ years. My cleandate is 1/25/03. I had that reservation problem with alcohol. I never thought it was a problem (read the basic text and see me!). Well, the day before that cleandate I got hammered and woke up the next day saying 'Never AgAin! I surrender-I am definitely an addict so therefore an alcoholic. This drug WILL take me down!
With that in mind-I am on here now and have been told by sme wonderful women I have chatted with that there were online sponsors. I moved from a city to a small town. One thing our literature tells us that we look for what we want to have in a sponsor. I am not being egotistical but I just cannot find that where I live. I have the most cleantime and recovery of any woman around here except one who I have become fast friends with. But she has not worked or lived all of the steps. We talk often about how to sponsor and how to be sponsored. I adore hers-but she finds herself being guided more by me. I am in an NA group where I am the only person with the amount of recovery I have. I went into NA being told I wasn't an addict and I didn't belong. I knew the truth as I read the literature so I went and took their crap trying to help myself. So, I am a fighter and I truly embraced my recovery and fought for it. I couldn't find a sponsor for a long time so I focused on going to as many meetings as I could and the Traditions. I became a stickler for them!!! I also was the first to use the Tenth Concept at a business meeting in a 25 year old group. It was the oldest group in a large city and nobody had ever considered the concepts. Luckily now-they are becoming a very important and necessary part of our recovery. My question is is there any woman on here with the willingness to get to know me some and see it they could sponsor me. I do want to rework the steps. I feel that right now my sponsor is God. I am a very spiritual person and I never lost my God and my faith through my addiction. I knew what I was doing was wrong and it was the wrong path. I am so happy being clean today. I pray that all addicts have a chance for a new way of life. We all deserve it! Please write to me if you would like to chat. Sincerely, Carla M.
Also, please check out the online sponsor list at the forum at Earth Group. You have to register there as a member, takes a minute or two, to be able to check out the eSponsor list there. Also, you can contact the eSponsor Coordinator of this group who can assist and guide you in getting an online Sponsor.
The link is www.earthgroupna.org
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
Thank you Tahir! The only problem I have is that I canot find these suggested pages no matter how hard I try. I got frustrated with it and started my own topic saying what I did above. This site is not exactly easy to manuever...any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
Click the link below, then use the "register" tab on the top menu of the webpage that flashes on your screen. As soon as your registration formality is over, log in with your new id and password at the forum on this webpage.
The fifth heading on the forum topics called "Sponsorship" is where you need to get into for all the information and directions you need in order to pick an online sponsor from the lists there... there is a 'men' as well as 'women' list there. Also, you can contact the eSponsor coordinator there on this thread so that he/she can assist you in finding an online sponsor... hope this helps
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
I am a 22 year old recovering addict Ive been going to an NA meeting in my area but there are not enough sponsors at the NA meeting I go to so I am looking for an online sponsor to help me work the steps. I perfer a sponsor that is in California but along as you are in the US its fine.
The only way we know to get a sponsor is for you to go to a meeting AND ASK someone. We aren't suppose to volunteer, you actually have to ASK for help.