Wlcome Gabby,, nice to have you here. Ive covered my entire story in the section where they show our bio-data, just click on my name in this post....
And once her, recovery's been a "long and winding road"...
The journey has been the destination, full of adventure, joys and sorrows, rials and tribulations and all...
Sometimes i think "What if NA had been there when i was a teen or early adulthood ?"
I accepted that sa a fact of life and the magis is this; when I have sinciere desire to change, life repeats otself and gives me the same opportunities again,,,,
with NA friends and God, Ive had those chances again and am now living the dream....
Stay Blessed,,,
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
pROCESS WAS SURRENDER,AND WORK ,GUIDED BY THE GOD OF MY UNDERSTANDING,PRINCIPLES,TRADITIONS AND CONCEPTS OF OUR PROGRAM AND A CONTINUOUS,EVERYDAY AWARENESS THAT I AM STILL ONLY "ONE BAD DECISION AWAY FROm DEVASTATION AGAIN AND I REMAIN VIGILANTE DAILY,DO SERVICE AND REACH OUT TO OTHERS ANY WAY I CAN.. sorry for caps can't type and look at same time:) welcome here Gabby keep coming back........The progression of recovery is a continuous uphill journey and when we arent vigilante we can start right down the hill again,but the progression of the disease is ongoing "even during abstinence'(recovery and relapse)......cunning,baffling and insidious.........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
I was sure raising my kids clean was the task at hand. I feel today that I am here for me.. I really wanted to be kind to myself and learn to love again. Thank you for responding.. I look forward to reachung out and working on my program daily!
Thank you for your story.. I will have to take the time to write mine soon..
I know that the road is full of love and life.. and that no matter what just for today. I need to do at least 5 things for me and my recovery.. I am so glad God lead me to this site.. I feel like im home! Gabby
I didn't do drugs for that long. My first drug was alcohol at age 12. I didn't really start using intensely until age 17. I used hard from 17 until about almost 22, when I started going to NA meetings with a former using buddy who had about had gotten clean through drug treatment. He eventually became my first sponsor and the rest is history. I didn't use as much as some other people or for as long a time, but I knew that I had used enough and I was ready to get honest, surrender and try something different.