This week has been trying life on iit's own terms is driving ne insane in itself I see my shrink in the am hope to be able to swiitch anxiety meds to something that actually works its as old as the hills but has good studies on it as a matter of fact I need to find all the loose papers I have been journaling on so he has them I am am a nervous wreck have been all week just really hopin for a solution pleasde keep me in mind has you pray to the God of your understanding
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
In support Manon! Let us know how your appoinment goes!Remember "nothing changes if nothing changes!! Will pray ,as always, for some peace and serenity in your life..YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.