I wanna quit my job but if I do I won't make thru the month and have my basic needs whats bad is my job causes more probs I have a new boyfriend and being an escort is not what I wanna do I hate it and only 50 short to having what i need but since i isolate and mom doesn't know i work and is in a finacial bind as well I am baffled on what to do my mom has taken over my accounts so I don't have probs again with all the confusion any advice I really wanna live right have something to be proud of I feel stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Hey Manon! First thing I would say is feel proud of "another day clean"A blessing for each one of us.... For me I would have to weigh what was going on to see what would cause me more probs..lack of finances or my job and weigh the options of staying or leaving.(plan on leaving but have something else to take its place?) I am a little confused on your mom's taking over your account but doesnt know you work? It does sound like a good idea though if it helps you in times of "confusion" I also agree with giving IT to the God of your understanding and taking an action on your decision and let your HP take care of results..Be as honest as you can be in all areas and remember line 2" "courage to change the things I can" peace let us know what comes up.... :)
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hi Manon-often money may be legitimately earned even when receiving various types of disability benefits---today's programs are more flexible and with things like SSI's PASS program safeguards are built in so people don't lose their Medicaid, just for example--any decent benefits specialist should be able and willing to evaluate your situation and guide you in whether there is a way to earn some coin without having to compromise on your honesty or your relationship with the mama bird.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU