First of all let me say that this board has been real fuel for my program. I say often (and loud) that I've been clean a long time. It is because of you people that I am not dead or even worse, still alive and active in the insanity of my narcotic addiction. I don't need to mention my drug (or drugs) of choice, but it was not Skippy Peanut butter. It's doubtful the latter would be the case but I shudder at even the thought of it.
That said, I look forward to Monday morning and signing on to the board just to see what has been posted and see that newcomers are still finding this way of life. Thanks to everyone who shares your joy, struggles, pain, hope, freedom, wisdom, craziness, whatever. Thanks from someone who still has the disease of addiction.
No education, job, acceptance socially, pats on the back, has made that fact go away. You people are what helps make life tolerable for me.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to respond to newcomers, oldtimers or folks like MikeF and Manon who just write on my board that you believe in me.
Thanks Joe,we need each other,no doubt this is a "we" thing and works by one helping another.Glad your here man,Im sure ,you feel as I do ,that sometimes I am so grateful I feel like screaming ,so I do!!!!:) (usually try and find a secluded spot as to not wake the sleeping pills!!)
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.