"Many of us cling to our fears, doubts, self-loathing, or hatred because there is a certain distorted security in familiar pain. It seems safer to embrace we we know than to let go of it for the unknown."
Basic Text, p. 34
We have often heard it said that "when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, we will change." Our fear can keep us from growing, afraid to end relationships, change careers, attend new meetings, begin new friendships, or attempt anything out of the ordinary. We stay in situations that are no longer working far longer than we have to simply because what is familiar feels safer than the unknown.
Any change involves overcoming fear. "What if I'm alone forever?" we might think if we consider leaving our lover. "What if I find out I'm incompetent?" we may wonder when we contemplate changing careers. We may balk at attending new meetings because we will have to reach out. Our minds manufacture a hundred excuses for remaining right where we are, afraid to try something new.
We find that most of our pain comes not from change, but from resistance to change. In NA, we learn that change is how we move forward in our lives. New friends, new relationships, new interests and challenges will replace the old. With these new things in our lives, we find new joys and loves.
Just for Today: I will release the old, embrace the new, and grow.
Yup ,lot of big changes for my posse.Moving from our home into a house to rent,son moving out(oh yeah)looking at maybe leaving area(not that immediate,joined a band again,may shift positions at my job.I am kind of looking forward to a shake up,little anxious,but I go to the one who is in charge of my life and just let it go...I dont want to look back ,keep moving forward
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Oh my goodness did I need this one today - Perfect - Fear keeps me from growing - so today I will embrace the fear and walk thru stuff with fear behind me..Now I'm feeling deep - about damn time
resiststance to change is my worst character flaw i find i have to really get worked up to even order different things on a dinner menu but i work on it some and what do you know i find that i have made a little change
some of us win some of us lose with god and this program i will be a winner