i am so pissed off today. and its not even about anything big. its one of those things that really bugs you but you ignore it and it keeps happening over and over and over again and you cant ignore it anymore and you just fucking explode. yeah well thats what i did today. at work. i am so pissed off i want to throw someone off a cliff and hope all their bones break and they die when they go ker splat on the ground. sharp pointy rocks would be great too. or since thats pretty impossible where i live i will throw someone under a bus and watch them get crushed like a fucking little bug! i am just so angry today and i dont know what to do to not be angry. i am going to fucking explode in rage. but other than that im GREAT!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Hey Liz!!! try not to hold in in okay:) pointy rocks!!!! that definitely hurts! you got anything you can break?? I used to like smashin things,that always helped as long as it didnt hurt no one......talk to you later.........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
It aint easy dealing with people, places, situations that cause us discomfort, our human rights and expectations come first, if we're angry at something or someone its something in us that is the problem, so dig down a little deeper liz see if you can find the ROOT / NATURE of whats bothering you about this situation, then you can be prepared the next time similiar things occur and they probably will and have less power driven anger, thats dangerous to us addicts self righteous anger....love yuh girl
Hey Liz, This was bound to happen. It wasn't too long ago when this was you everyday. Then you found something that changed your attitude. Ok, so your serenity burst today. It happens, but if you can remember what you did last month to find some peace then try it again. Hey, it worked for you once, who knows? but no matter what "This too shall pass" Hang in there girl.
Hey Liz, I can so identify and have had these struggles also. One of the gifts that I learned in recovery was to act and not react. It seemed so lame at the time when I was learning how to do this. At times, I can still act out before I step back and breath! Progress not prefection....right?
When I get this way it is usually fear that my pride and ego will be bruised.
One of the most scared places at work for me is the ladies room. I can go in and say the serenity prayer as well as try to start my day over.
So good to hear you V about the self riteous anger....I have been there for a minute with some work stuff that hasn't even happened yet! Wow....I'm mad and the situation hasn't even happened yet. I guess I'm in the right palce! lol