I am my groups key tag person now and I dont know what to say can someone please help cause I have looked all over the internet and cant find it anywhere?
Ok Lindsay........breathe LOL clean time recognition using key tags is fun fun fun Just lighten up..go through the colors and the associated time, which is printed on the back I usually say something like "Here is Narcotics Anonymous we have a colorful way of marking our clean time" The first is white, the international sign of surrender. You don't even have to be clean to pick it up just the desire to stop using, anyone want to give up the fight and pick up a white? Now you have to start earing them...Orange is for 30 days clean....Orange you glad your in NA ?? (Moans from the group) who has 30 days today? and so on....like I said, I have fun with it. Say a little prayer b4 you start and git er done. You'll be fine
Hi lindsayh! not to worry...most groups,the chairman will read,or the key tag person will say'we have nice way of recognizing clean time with a key tag and a hug,not to embarass you but get to know you better,anyone here first time or just coming back? group responds, keep coming back! next 30 days/60 days/90 days/6 months/9 months /1 year/ 18 months /multiple years today! then... all those with year or more raise your hand ,show this program works!! different groups have different formats,but this is common in our area........when person comes up for tag give them a hug and they should let group know who they are HI I am addict named........ i have x amount of days or somethinglike that......enjoy the service,it will teach you to relax some in front of the group.Just cause we got clean didnt mean we became overnite orators or public speaking Guru;s so it can be nerve racking,but think about how well you could speak when trying to get the "next one"!!! have fun like Don said..
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
wow this is soooo helpful I just picked up the Literature commitment in one of my groups and with that commitment comes keytag commitment... I love it... BUT I get so nervous I draw a blank but I am currently writing notes and I will practice and improvise as needed and just have fun... I love NA and my commitments
The message of Hope, the Promise of Freedom, that ANY addict can stop, lose the desire and find a new way to live!