My sponsor and I are close,we are both men with children and have been graced with grandchildren.We are both been divorced.He is almost 10 years younger but age doesn't matter , it is the message your sponsor has to give away.We both have had a son in addiction,so we had to support them in there recovery. I am two steps ahead of my sponsor only becaused I am on disability and have lots of free time to devote to step work and other service ventures in NA.I have five years clean and my sponsor has 9 years clean.So that what I have to say about sponsor,sponsee relations. He is also the person who talked to me after my first meeting ,in fact a group of five men I met then are stil my core group of men I see weekly today.great fellowship,great people.
Hey Tisa! I feel very comfortable sharing anything I need to with my sponsor and I believe we help each other in our recoveries. Though not necessary ,not only him and I ,but my grandsponsor also share the same faith beliefs so we are connected spiritually and share that relationship with each other inside and outside the program, which is a definite bonus to the process that we work in Narcotics Anonymous.We are married ,so we can connect on that aspect,we have children,an area we can also connect on and we all stay clean one day at a time.We work steps,traditions and spend time doing things together.A definite blessing!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.