Our familires will not appeciate the change NA makes in our life unless we show them! If we rush off to a meeting,convention,celebration,just like we Did whe we rushed off to use drugs what has changed?? If we ignore the needs and desires of our partners and children we aren't practising spiritual priciples in all our affairs.Just wanted to write this down so I can remember my OBSESSIVE/COMPULSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF -CENTERED WAYS, that though better thru the years of 'work; ,can still rear their heads at any given time unless I am vigilante..I will take my recovery at Home' WITH ME!!! jANUARY 5TH jUST FOR tODAY!! tHANKS FAMILY, I needed to bring that into the light as I have been finding myself "on the run" to events and leaving my household vacant from me!!!Look out Mike,I see you coming( only by the Grace of God!)
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.