So few of us ever realise that our Traditions are what keeps NA alive. The Steps keep us clean, but the Traditions keep NA going so that no addict need die of this disease. Each of the Traditions came from hard-won experience. I wish more people would learn the reasoning behind the Traditions. I'm not quite done transcribing a non-conferance-approved Traditions Guide that someone gave me. I've only gotten as far as Tradition 7. I've learned a lot. I found an online copy of a non-conferance-approved draft of "The Tradition Wars" that I hope to get around to reading soon.I also found
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!
I have heard so much about the Texas Traditions workbook, I would like to know how can I get a copy of them. I love working on steps, traditions and concepts. I have 17 years clean and serene. I got clean in Sin City, that's right, Las Vegas, NV. I do have a lot of NA Archives which I am willing to share, I can only keep it by giving it away. Please, ask and you will be surprise at what NA Literature I do have. Anything that can help or enhance the NA process, I am willing to do. Is bout application. Remember, Mood follows Action. A proud 12 steps member of a fellowship known as Narcotics Anonymous.