Hi Nikole! WELCOME! im also 18. ive been here for almost a year now. im glad your here! im not good at giving advice but sooo many people on this site are.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Well i guess I'm just going to tell my story...I got into ice pretty bad. I am only one day sober. I'm just tired of living like I am. I got a job, but don't spend it wisely. I joined this site today because I got nobody to talk to here. My mom left when I was two and my dad moved away when I was 16 and left me and my twin sister here with nothing. I got one true friend...love her like a mother. I lived with her since i was 13. She doesn't like to talk to me when I'm using, so I need to stay clean so I don't lose the one person I got left. So if anybody has anything to say I would like to hear it.
Hi Nikki, Youre in the right place for the right reason. What i thought was though you used ice and I was a smack head, in accepting we were addicted and life became hell we are united in recovery.
Recovery simply seems to mean stayin in contact with other recovering addicts, getting their experience, strength and hope and then finding a new way to live. The life I found in Narcotics Anonymous has been a complete turnaround from the insane, lonely life I lead. Ive been gievn all the things, as if by magic, and all I was required to do was have the desire to stay clean.
I identify some feelings oflonliness and helplessness in your share,,,am I correct ? Ive seen a complete end to my lonlness and isolation and times when I am on my own, are needed for rest and recuperation.
Now having said all of that, a live meetings could be useful too. Are there any NA meetings in your area ? If you cant find em, just google it and youll find it. And yes, please sare with us here too, especially feelings and problems, remembeing that we are not responsible for our addiction but indeed for our feelings and our problems !
This forum has worked for me for the last 6 years and am sure it would for you too. I dont want to act too old or wise about this, but like they say, williningness is the key for change.
Keep coming back, regards Raman
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Glad you found us,share like your life depends on it!we can offer suggestions that have or have not helped us in our recoveries.Its good that you are looking for 'help' now without having to be out there for multiple years of devastation.Keep coming back,be open to suggestions and be willing to do what you have to.Also ask yourself this question.do you now believe or are you even willing to believe in a Power greater than yourself?when and if you can answer yes to that you are on your way to a simple cornerstone that an effective spiritual structure can be built.... peace....
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Thanks for that. I did find a live class for tomorrow actually. I think I'm going to go. I'm really nervous about it though. I have never been to nothing like that before. But I guess I will just have to get over it. I think I would do almost anything to make my life normal again. I need to stay clean before I end up in jail. There are people trying to get me caught up, and there has been some crazy shit go on in the small town i live in. My twin sister got caught up in it last week. She was in my car someone pointed my car out to cops...what if I would of been driving...I would be the one in jail. And that scares me to death. I am finally ready to let that lifestyle go and make a new one. Thank you for your advice, and I'm going to my first meeting tomorrow night.
Good for you, Nicole!!! You're reaching out for help, and that is the hardest part for most of us! Keep coming back... and do go to as many live meetings as you can! If you feel like you can, you could share at the meeting that you're new to recovery and could use some help.
Congrats on staying clean today!!!
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!
Welcome to the fellowship! You never have to use again. suggestion...........find the women at your meeting with the most clean time and stick to em like glue.