so today was my first day working at macys of course black friday. it wasnt that bad. it wasnt too crowded but i have a headache, my feet are bleeding, and my legs hurt. 9 hours of dealing with stupid people really takes a lot out of someone. and my heart has been acting up a bit and i dont think my NEW meds are working. great. someone is mad at me because i wont go to the hospital now for my heart but i said i would go tomorrow after work. you dont understand how much i need money. like ridiculously bad. plus i live with chest pain everyday so whats one more day gunna do? plus i can do whatever the fuck i want. yeah im going out with my friends tonight, yes i probably shouldnt but i havent seen them in months and im lucky if i even get to talk to them in a week. so lay off. im freezing. and i totally lost my train of thought. awesome. not.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."