hELLO Tisa,,for me its putting my trust and faith in my HP and then watching the miracles occur,when i stay out of the way..My success comes when i dont jump in and mess things up!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Sucess,That is being able to change and care things I lost all reach of.I don't gage sucess on money or how much you have.Some are happier with nothing.I am one of them.
Taking care of my responsibilities... doing my best to be a good Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Girlfriend, Employee, Tenant, Pet-Owner, Sponsee, Sponsor, Recovering Addict, and Neighbor... and also being responsible to myself... taking care of my own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual condition.
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!