When I was in the hospital after being transferred to a mental ward they put me on an anti depressant a low dose changed the dosing in my mood stabilizer took me off my anxiety meds which is all a good thing. I was talking with my best friends husband last night and he asked how I felt since I have been home to spite the happy go lucky attitude I have had I realized not much as changed since I tried to well.... he said all anti depressants did was make you feel detached I didn't realize how true that was till it clicked everything made sense. my mind has quit racing I am being left alone DRAMA wise. So situational seems to be great but I am still depressed. At the same tim eI am in a fuck it all mood not letting much get to me all and Ishould be grateful ty Carol and like you said we are gonna hurt but NA offers hope.. So at this time all I can do is walk in faith for my path has already been paved. So with that in mind Iguess I can't go wrong. Doing the next righht thing is not always easy but it is after all the "next right thing"
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Your friends husband is wrong. Different anti-depressants work in different ways. Its usually the anti-anxiety meds that make you feel "detatched"! Talk to your mental health team about your meds, not your friends husband, or even me! LOL! The professionals will give the straight scoop on your particular meds. Most anti-depressants take a while to build up to theraputic levels before you start feeling much better. Give it time. We are here and we love you.
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!
As I said, talk to the professionals, not to me or your friends husband. If it appeared that I was implying that you dont talk to the professionals, then I apologise for the misunderstanding.
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!