Just wanted to let everyone here know that my husband who was missing for several weeks is now in the county jail for business burglary. He called me this morning around 3:00 am to let me know that he was being arrested. I guess now, he will have to kick the crack and meth cold turkey. This jail does not allow inmates to spoke cigarettes. I hope his body can survive the shock.
May sound strange but when our 23 year old son was arrested for drug use ,we finally got a chance to relax and reflect on what was happening.(WE KNEW HE WAS ALIVE ANYWAY) I will keep you in prayer on upcoming decisions you will be making and pray you remain strong,take care of "yourself"and start some recovery...let us know how you are doing .peace
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
You know where he is... you know he is safe. A suggestion: get a copy of the IP's "Am I An Addict" and "For The Newcomer" and mail them to husband in jail.
And, yes, if you want a divorce, you might want to act on it now, while he can still be found to serve the papers, unless you want to endure the long, slow process of the default divorce.
I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!
Thank you all for your concern and supporting words. I attend Al-Anon daily and have a sponsor and contact numbers of group members. I am currently working on my recovery program. Now that my husband is in jail, I can rest at night and in the day. I kicked him out of our home in April and he moved in with his enabling parents. In the day when I was at work, he would sneak over to our home and steal anything outside that he though he could get a dollar for. We have a beautiful pond that was once stocked with butterfly and regular Koi weighting about 10-15 pound each, he stole all of them except the 4 biggest ones. He was afraid to break in because he knew that I had installed a burglar alarm.
Folks, I believe, that my husband is constitutionally unable to be honest about his drug addiction. He called me last night and I accepted the phone call on my cell phone. They charged me $9.99 for a 20 minute call that lasted less than 10 minutes. My husband wanted me to know that he was sorry for "messing up my life" but when I told him that my life would be OK and that his life was in a mess, he disagreed. He sees nothing wrong with being arrested or in jail at 44 years of age. By the way he talked to me last night, you would think he was on an ocean cruise.
The last time my husband served time in jail was for a business burglary charge that happen 11.5 years ago. I believe that my husband is permanently emotional and mentally damaged due to drug abuse.
Thank you for responding, this forum has been a big help to me.
Ya know, This program says that there are those that fail only because they are incapable of being honest with themselves and others. Nothing will happen until he absolutely surrenders and accepts that he is an addict and his life has become unmanagable. Sounds like unmanagability to me. Until that happens, nothing will change. He has got to want it on his own. I will keep you in my prayers. Love ya.
"...To weather the storms of tomorrow, you've got to have strength today."