I beginning to wonder if I am ever going to be able to "Stay" on the wagon. I messed up last night yet again how do ya make it stop? I have never been addicted to "my" meds now I just wanna eat em all . is it because I wanna die and an alter is helping cause I am telling ya I don't remember nothing, or is it simply an addict that can't say when?
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Hey Manon ! its only a" failure " if you dont"pick yourself up,dust yourself off, and get back to it!An addict ,any addict can stop using drugs,lose the desire to use and find a new way to live!Can't get back last night,yesterday etc ,"JUST FOR TODAY" YOU CAN START AGAIN,set a new clean date if you need to,get with support group and"believe" you can do it!!Will pray for your strength and committment!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hey Manon, I definatly know what it feels like to wonder if Ill ever really get it. Ever be able to " stay on the wagon ". I had 8 years clean at one time and relapsed. The last 4 years of my life have consistently gotten worse. And I haven't strayed from the program. There hasn't been too many days that have passed where I didn't make it to a meeting or at least talked to another addict. They say insanity is repeating the same mistake and expecting a different result. I say true insanity really sets in when we know, without a shadow of a doubt, what the result will be , and then we do it any way. The other night I had an epiphany. Ive never given up on the program, I know it works. Hell, I see it working for OTHERS all the time. Then it hit me, somewhere along the way I had stopped believing that it could work for me. Some where along the way I had stopped believing that I am worth it. That I am worthy of a better life. I mean why the hell do I keep going anyway. If it works for others it can work for me. It worked for me before! I notice lately that I am quick to self destruct. I am not used to things getting better for me. So when they start getting better, I become uncomfortable. I got to shake things up. Turn it all upside down, and get back to my comfort zone. Only problem is that this so called comfort zone is not so comfortable. It leaves me wanting better things. So like some kind of puppet on a string I bounce back and forth like a ping pong ball, all the while getting the shit beat out of me. so today i have a choice, either continue being the ball..... Or get off the table. This just where I'm at guys, I hope maybe it helps some one. Manon, you are in my prayers.
It sure is eazier to get through the moment than it is to get through the aftermath.
Maybe a bit of both...is there anyone sober/clean in your life who can hold the meds for you for a while and dispense per the doc's directions only?
Just from a practical (life saving!) standpoint, sometimes such simple fixes are just enuf to get me past a current snag, while I work the program on it.
Sometimes I have a little conversation in my head with myself that is sabotaging me and just tell 'em to knock it off, we're all in this together and that's not helping! Sounds simplistic, but for some bizarre reason actually has worked for me.
More importantly, for me, is what Mike said...new day, new way. Where am I really at with my third step? Like ANJ said...do I choose to keep being the ping pong ball getting batted back and forth with no control (powerless BUT NOT HELPLESS) or do I choose to bounce myself off the table and roll on to healthier ways of being?
-- Edited by LeeU on Sunday 11th of October 2009 10:09:32 AM
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. " Theodore Roosevelt