Phat,,,,,,,,,,,,, Iv been obssessed with food these past two weeks in India.
Maybe it's the heat and dust causing stress, or being with family after one year of nearly monklike existance in Eng., God knows what but Im obssessed.
Its not like Im buying burgers and milkshakes all day long, nor- am I doing friend chicken in large portions; its just the way my mind is staying with the food thing all day long.
I will just have a meal, and then try to undestand why I ate that way, and I will then think of the next meal and promise myself to eat less next time. The same discomfort will happen after the next meal too.
Ive become aware of this pattern recently, and I know that the dis-ease is now active in this context !
Im taking recourese to reading and writing and sharing as well as walks, Meditation and hoping !
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Morning Raman! good to hear from you..YUP, guess this is just like all the things we face each day,if we dont stay vigilante situations get away from us.I believe most importantly you "are aware" of the 'gremlin lurking"I also have been fighting off some "gaining weight issues" as I have been trying to return to'marathon condition to make one more run at BOSTON.I am steady around 205 and to be at my best im looking at 175.Each time I start a program,get more than 25 miles a week in,the gremlin is saying"ohh its just a donut,your not going to the olympics,just relax today your hips killing you anyway etc.We know what we need to do to get where we want to be but are we"wiilling" to take the measures.said to a friend of mine other day"yeah my 10 mile time would be better but im too fat from eating junk<the profound statement back was "well dont eat junk!! helllooo!All in all though my brother dealing with situations like this on the worst day is better than any day strung out!!!AMEN AND AMEN>You know was just thinking also maybe you are substituting this 'situation to move you thru the passing of 'TIGER" who knows whats in "our heads!!!Anyway have a blessed day ,enjoy the love around you and "keep on rockin" peace mike
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
I am a night eater I like laying around and grazing all evening and I wake up in the morning with a food hangover , sometimes to the point I vomit in the morning. If I decide to eat peanut butter before bed I'm DONE sick as hell in the morning I have done it knowing I would be sick and just not care.
I know somethings going on inside my head some emptiness that's wanting to be filled just cant put my finger on it.
I've lost 20 pounds or so in the last 5 weeks from simply working my a$$ off , moving and other jobs and the heat which has finally passed thank god so now I feel like I can eat whatever the hell I want , my head says " no big deal you have the 20 pounds to put back on " NOT, this is a good weight I am at 250 HAH HAH I should be no more then 220 really but used to being big. I went on a short hike yesterday and couldn't believe how bad of shape I really am in I could not catch my breath I know its the smoking killing me but do I stop ? hell no now i have lung disease from it COPD, my lungs are never clear anymore and I just keep smoking
I'm on a medically supervised program right now...2 quarts of water a day (pee a LOT!!)...fresh non-starchy vegetables = 1/2 the plate, 4 oz or 1 cup protein (4 oz lean meat/poultry, which I don't eat, or 1 cup of tofu or low fat cottage cheese , which do I eat, to = 1/4 plate and 1/2 cup of whole grain like brown rice, beans, bulger, Joseph's oat bran pita, or small sweet potato to = 1/4 of the meal.
I am finding that the limited selections and portion control is getting easier and definitely keeps life simpler. Of course, it's tough when I'm around others who eat whatever they want...the food smells actually get to me more than the visuals or any craving. That's also based on my gender & current weight, and a certain amount of's not a one-size-fits-all plan.
I belong to another site that has a "Nip It in the Butt" group for addicts/alkies...I'm an ex-smoker (in remission for the past 3 years, this go 'round) and while I was blessed to be able to do it cold-turkey, the folks on the site keep talking about Chantix being the most helpful for them becasue it is not a nictotine replacement like the patch, instead it targets the brain receptors and does a blocking thing. I think you keep smoking the first week so the blocking action can remove the craving...which is what happens about every twenty minutes if you're a pack-plus smoker.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU