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Post Info TOPIC: Looking for support


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Looking for support

Hello, new here. I am addicted to oxycontin. looking for online support. this is my third attempt at staying clean. sept 15,2009 is my new clean date. thanks for letting me share. Any suggestions for getting some sleep would help, thanks all.



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Hello NA chic!

Welcome to site..Are you actively seeking NA meetings in your area or hooked up with a support system?(sponsor,phone numbers,etc)Congrats on your 15 days clean time,it is something to cherish!!!Also have you seen any medical professionals about "sleeping ' issues?Online support is a good thing but there is nothing like face -to -face meetings,it will re-enforce the point that you are not alone and their is "hope". I highly suggest you find a meeting,dont isolate and get support now,this is a critical period as you are aware.Let us know how you are doing..


Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery. 


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welcome to the board ditto what Mike said keep coming back and reaching out you are not alone


 Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
Og Mandino

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Hi, NAchick! Really glad you are here!!! Congrats on your 15 days! That's awesome!!!

I hesitate to offer many suggestions about the sleep issue, other than some practical home remedies. I drink warm milk and honey with a teaspoon of vanilla. The honey is a natural soporific, as is the vanilla. Also, you could try having a bed-time snack with turkey... it contains something that makes you sleepy... triponin or something, can't recall for sure. Hot baths are good. I often listen to music so quiet my mind. If none of these help, you may have to speak to a medical professional.

I agree with both Mike and Manon. Keep coming back!!!

I may not be 'All That', but I'm always on my mind!


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Tryptophan via late night snacks is supposed to be good for you, WDing or not-this is from a decent food facts site, just for informational purposes.

Tryptophan is an amino acid needed for normal growth in infants and for nitrogen balance in adults. It is an essential amino acid, which means your body cannot produce it -- you must get it from your diet.

The body uses tryptophan to help make niacin and serotonin. Serotonin is thought to produce healthy sleep and a stable mood.

In order for tryptophan in the diet to be changed into niacin, the body needs to have enough:

Vitamin B6

Tryptophan can be found in:

Peanut butter
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds

From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU

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hmmm those are facts about foods I had no idea about!
you learn a little bit of everything here! Thanks Lee

I  triple the motion Mike has made aww my sad attempt at humor.
I remember 15 days (I was still in rehab though safe from the big bad world)
and it is so very important that you do not isolate at this point or ever for that matter. The isolation tendacies are  what has landed me in trouble time and time again!

My sponsor has always told me it is when I dont feel like going, (or flat out dont want to!) that I need a meeting the most. face to face. I found love and unconditional support in those rooms that I would never be able to replace with a computer.
I love this site and all my new friends!! But my computer screen cant hug me and it sure would be uncomfortable to try to lean on when i need a good cry.

Do the next right thing. Get out of yourself and talk to another addict every day.preferably a sponsor. . pray. read the big book.go to 90 in 90. pray some more. work your steps. I have these plastered all over my mirrors at home and remember that I was told that if I do ALL  of them I WILL stay clean.

Good Luck&



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Welcome NAchick. Congrats on your 15 days. Just remember take in one day at a time. Take it one minute at a time if you have to. Keep comin back! As far as the sleep thing goes, I agree with Tisa. Warm milk is a great way to relax, meditation works for me, also. Great to have you.

"...To weather the storms of tomorrow, you've got to have strength today."

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Welcome NA Chick! You are definitely in the right place. I agree w/ everyone else as far as going to meetings, getting a sponser, and just stay out of self-will. I know it's a lot easier said than done but if you can keep yourself surrounded by positive people and work this program it can be done. I am very new at this to. I have almost 90 days clean and I've been in active addiction on & off for 26 yrs. I wish i could tell you there was a magic quick fix to cure this horribe disease but unfortunately there's not. But there is definitely hope & possibilities far beyond our imagination. Eventhough I am still new to this myself I can already see so many positive changes and I have to believe it'll only get better as time goes by as long as I work the program, do service work, go to meeting, & just "keep coming back" If your having a hard time sleeping there's a natural herbal supplement they allowed us to take while I was in rehab. It's called Melatona. You can get it at An herb shop, Wal-Mart or any drug store. It's on all of the safe drug list my counselor & Dr. has given me. It's worth a try. It really helped me. Congratulations on your 15 days! That's great! Please let us know how you're doing. This is an incredible board w/ wonderful members who so supportive.

Good Luck & Welcome,


The Will Of GOD Will Never Take You Where The Grace Of GOD Will Not Protect You

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