Finally, A quiet mind again. Caught up on some well needed rest. There are no circles under these eyes anymore Thank God cause I do give the God of my understanding the glory in all things in my life, even the trials for they make me stronger. Sometimes I wonder if Karma has caught up with me. Cause when it rains it pours. Right now things are quiet I kinda like it that way. I am dealing with my myophascial (sp) pain syndrome but other than that I cannot complain.
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
I have had several surguries but am unfamilar with what you have. I have a degree of pain daily with back and shoulder surgeries.. Hope the symptoms calm down and you can keep getting rest...
Hi Chip! Mike F here! WELCOME TO THE BOARD.Why dont you "start a new topic" and introduce yourself so all can get to know you little better.......! Congrats on your "18 years in the journey"Keep bringing the message of hope ,look to hear from you again! peace
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.