im sorry i havent been able to do my night lately. ive been in and out of the hospital the past few weeks. but when i do make it to the room there is never anyone there.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
I honestly have not had time Manon if and when i do I will get ahold of you.
Liz thanks for all the help you've done in the past it is most appreciated, when you can.
Tisa all you need to get into the room is java script you can google it then download the software its real easy then just click the link above for the chat room, leme know here if your having some other issue .
I've been getting emails asking what was up with the meetings and honestly I haven't been in the room in weeks lately I dont get home some nights till after 10:00 been pretty crazy work wise and I honesty am hoping it doenst slow up because i jst got slammed with about $700 worth of extra bills this month, just bought a bedroom set and leather sofa I should have waited on but damn they were good buys that i could not pass up and its nice stuff, sooooooo
Anyhow, just wing it for now if you can and hopefully there wont be any screw ups in there Manon and if so well practice some spirituality on them LOLOLOL
Hey Vinnie! go easy man! Stop! and smell the roses!(or the leather couch :) "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!"(the Shining!. great flick))..some where along the line ,i may be able to help also,right now I'll follow what you told Liz, see if i know how to get in,i never been in the room either.My computer skills are getting better,but need "tweaking"Good hearin from you peace...........
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Heading for the coast tomorrow afternoon Mike got a nice room with fireplace, a hot voluptuous woman to shag up with LOL walk on the beach, i may even take a fishing pole and wet my line too heh heh