Hello family! As I was doing my daily meditations(prayers)and including all as I do it really brought to mind something our literature tells us ,it says"some are sicker than others"or in another form it reminded me of "if you think you got it bad,take a look around you"I think of the people I have "met " here and I go over the "life on lifes terms sharing that comes from each one of us and the support we try and offer each and I feel a calm over my being.When I can get out of "my own stuff" and think of the others here in all their own particular situations it continues to give me strength but also helps me to stop 'WALLOWING IN THEMIRE!Text also tells us we will never fully recover no matter how long we stay clean and that complacency is the enemy of those with substantial clean time,if we are complacent too long the recovery process ceases,(in so many words)Thinking of each one here and their battles daily in the life of recovery reenforces my will to 'WORK EVEN HARDER"There is no need to get into that "self -pity ,poor me routine that makes me nuts cause I can "just look around" and know I certaintly am not unique!! Just wanted to say thanks to all for continuing to keep things in perspective ,from the lives of all here trying to maintain peace and serenity after coming back from "the war"!!little syrupy but from my heart...mike
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
MikeF ,I agree,we will never fully recover from the abuse we subjected our minds and bodies to in drug abuse.I am just coming on five years clean after 39 years using.It has been dificult,but I pray in the morning and evening for help.I try to go to meetings as often as I can.I've done service since the first month in NA.I am now Gsr of my homegroup and a Regional Committee Member in our region.Service has kept me clean and focused on recovery.I have been told and seen what complacency can do to one with lots of cleantime,dangerous that complacency is.
Hey cdbuckberry! welcome to the board Nice to get to know you.Yes i agree service is a God send ,it lets us keep ;locked in' and focus on others and "get out of our own heads.Im still making coffee in one of my homegroups and enjoy doin it! keep coming back.peace
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.