The green and gold book," It works, how and why" is emphatic that phone calls and text messages to other recovering addicts by letters, online forums or emails are all valid alternatives to face-to face meetings.
There will be times in recovery when a recovering adict, newcomer or oldtimer will not have acces to face to face meetings. This may happen for many reasons; but the point is to not be denied a meeting on that particular day/night so the literature validates non-face to face as recovery choices too.
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
Thank you for posting this, O Wise One. There have been days when access to the online recovery sites (I use three regularly) have been real life-savers for the maintenance of my sanity and spiritual condition! It takes what it takes, and whatever works, works.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
You are the honest one Lee, We are indeed Blessed to have these avenues Lee, and your shares have always been truthful, encouraging and insightful. Most of all,Ive felt your caring and concern ! Thanks and hugs,,I need you in my recovery !
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!
I am so happy I found this board and have gotten a chance to get to know others over the phone I know i could call a few here anytime, dont do it enough.
Dean that guy I called you about decided he could handle things on his own I think he got to an alano meeting that he said he got nothing out of it but I have come to find out he also has a prescription drug problem which I was pretty sure of anyhow, I think a few more times of getting the same results he'll come around.
Mornin Raman! how are you my friend! yes I also work on 3 different sites,one for me(NA) AND 1 FOR MY CODEPENDENCE(Naranon)and 1 for AA involvement.All truly a blessing and I consciOUsly try to contact at least 1 site a day to stay focused and in touch>Hope you are well and stiLL"singing a mean tune kid,sock em in the guts yeah ,yeah! (CHICAGO 5 OR 6 OR 18 ??) PEACE!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hi Mike, thanks. Your words of cheer will always mean a lot to me, yu are Blessed ! Im in sunny India for a short vacation; basically to set up the new house for Ma and my daughter. Moreover, it was my daughters birthday on 25th and after having not been there last year, I decided i had to be here with her on that day ! Im glad I made it !
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!