God grant me the serintity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference that is all I can say with out acting in anger
-- Edited by Manon on Wednesday 16th of September 2009 02:01:19 AM
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
Good for you....quitting while you are ahead!! I have a terrible time not acting out in anger, and using the "Serenity Prayer" truly, truly helps, if I take the time (put forth the willingness) to really feel it and savor it and mean it and PRAY it.
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
"Emotional balance is one of the first results of meditation, and our experience bears this out."
Basic Text p.45
Though each of us defines "emotional balance" a little differently, all of us must find it. Emotional balance can mean finding and maintaining a positive outlook on life, regardless of what may be happening around us. To some, it might mean an understanding of our emotions that allows us to respond, not react, to our feelings. It can mean that we experience our feelings as intensely as we can while also moderating their excessive expression.
Emotional balance comes with practice in prayer and meditation. We get quiet and share our thoughts and hopes and concerns with the God of our understanding. Then we listen for guidance, awaiting the power to act on that direction.
Eventually, our skills in maintaining near-balance get better, and the wild up-and-down emotional swings we used to experience begin to settle. We develop an ability to let others feel their feelings; we have no need to judge them. And we fully embrace our own personal range of emotions.
Just for Today: Through regular prayer and meditation, I will discover what emotional balance means to me.