i was talking to a fellow addict last night. someone who has helped me TREMENDOUSLY! i dont know if you all know Larry (pete in the chat room) but he has asked for all of your prayers. apparently his father had passed away suddenly and it was very tough for Larry. He used and is commiting to 90 days of treatment on monday. he has to find a new place to live after treatment since his family does not want to speak to him after his last slip up. so please pray for him, he is a very wise man and could use something good out of this situation.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Larry is a good man he'll find his way back that I am sure of . We get lost now and then but once we've had a taste we always come back and I am sure that he will.
I will be praying for him and I often think of him , we have talked on the phone a few times I know one thing he loved being clean so keep coming back Larry and TY Liz I still haven't found his number but its here some where just have to get everything unpacked.