One thing I've noticed that I do is make up stupid songs LOL yeah there sometimes real filthy and tastelss but I get cheap giggles out of things like that
I humor myself by playing online games, going to chatrooms, and reading my recover bible. I have a very inquistive mind so to entertain it I try to feed it with knowledge. I have found that if I let my mind wonder it often wonders back into my addictive behaviors which will eventually end in relapse if not dealt with in time.
Hey BigV, I talk to myself a lot and answer myself as if im 2 people(sometimes more) and then laugh out loud at the conversations.Its amazing how relieving it is.I am also a manager for a workshop for the disabled (30 years here this past may 29th)It is also a thin line from one side of the table to the other..enjoy the rest of this 24! mikef peace
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
Hey Mike...our staff had a training yesterday on "person-first language".
"The disabled" is OUT...people with disbilities is IN.
He's wheelchair-bound is OUT...He uses a wheelchair is IN.
She has alcoholism is IN...She is an alcoholic is OUT.
He's a whack-a-doodle is OUT...He's a person challenged with an especially difficult, and mysterious, brain disorder that produces behavior usually characterized by a biased and ignorant public as "weird".
heh heh heh
From dying and surviving to living and thriving. LeeU
YUP AND NOW ALL MY PEOPLES ARE CALLED CONSUMERS AND NOT CLIENTS.!wHAT THE HECK ,no wonder I talk with all of myselves!!I used to be losing my hair,now im follickly challenged...yikes!! Thank God for NA at least were all still "sick" there... see ya!
Our purpose is to remain clean,just for today,and to carry the message of recovery.
lol, I do it all the time Vini. remember my sharona ? oooh my little pretty one , my pretty one put your lipstick on an shine my b ........... well you get the idea. I know Dean could have a field day with me thinking that way. Hope he takes it easy on me .
The fundamental delusion of humanity , is to suppose that I am here and you are out there .
so long as you dont talk yourself into doing dumb stuff it is alright i talk myself out of smacking half the idiots i meet including myself on a regular basis i talk and answer myself to i just get scaredwhen the third guy shows up ha ha
some of us win some of us lose with god and this program i will be a winner