I went back to the doctor today the one that was helping me with a kidney disease I have to have something removed that was supposed to relieve the pain. The doctor said I don't think that it helped having the surgery in the first place I am to return in 3 months for a follow up so health wise I am discouraged but also know I can handle what is thrown my way with my higher power. but ya know a person has a breaking point I sware I am close to mine I can't handle much more stress I am working closely with my new shrink damn is he good he read me like a book it was kinda scary but at the same time helpful to know he knows what is going on with me and my problems I start IOP monday since I am not having another surgery yet see if I can finish it with out going inpatient again.
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
I know that this doesn't make any of this feel better but, it has been my experience, that when I come to that point where I really think I'm gonna just break into pieces, and I get through it without harming myself or anyone else, there IS another side and there are truly gifts, like personal growth and self esteem and strength, things nobody can take away from me, waiting!
Tie a knot in the rope and hang on!
"The truth doesn't change based on my inability to stomach it". - Flannery O'Connor
making a gratitude list of all the blessings present in my life also helps, especially in times of trouble and pain...
Hang on Manon, keep sharing with us, that's another way to heal... glad you're getting good professional help... prayers and best wishes.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.