well my morning will start @ 8 am with housing authority then to a renal scan then to the specialist about this blockage I am really worried to find everything out I seem to be being hit by a double whammy but I am still trucking on or trying my best without falling apart. I will post an update as I return from the doctors office hopefully with a simple solution and answer to what this is a symptom of. I have been isolating alot lately only getting out when I gotta the pain level is pretty high but I must function at times If I want to maintain my income something has to be done. Things are not as bad as I thought they would be I have had a friend over for about a week it has been helpful not being alone although they will be gone till Sunday night. If I don't have to have surgery my son will be here this weekend with me. Yes some alone time would be great!
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
well my morning will start @ 8 am with housing authority then to a renal scan then to the specialist about this blockage I am really worried to find everything out I seem to be being hit by a double whammy but I am still trucking on or trying my best without falling apart. I will post an update as I return from the doctors office hopefully with a simple solution and answer to what this is a symptom of. I have been isolating alot lately only getting out when I gotta the pain level is pretty high but I must function at times If I want to maintain my income something has to be done. Things are not as bad as I thought they would be I have had a friend over for about a week it has been helpful not being alone although they will be gone till Sunday night. If I don't have to have surgery my son will be here this weekend with me. Yes some alone time would be great!
Miracles happen each and everyday in NA. I will pray extra hard for you today!
They tested me in Jan 07 with a liver biopsy and I came up with Hep C and I was having issues with other areas.
My doctors gave me amoung other things (new doctors) fresh eyes alot of blood work, too many tests, and an MRI with contrast of my BRAIN testing me for a brain tumor etc.
Well what was found out and I have no reason nor logic is I no longer have HEP C......I do not have a BRAIN tumor......My only issue blurry eyes and all is I am vitamen difficent. I had a gastric bypass in 1999 andmy body isnt absorbing vitamens prober/
I was freaking out for like a month. The waiting for me was the hardest part.
I am so sorry you are scared, I wish I could take that away from you honey bunny!
thanx for all your support talked to the doctor today they are going to put an internal cath from my kidney to my bladder so it can drain if this surgery relives the pain I will go thru a reconstruction process 6 weeks l8r
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino
MAN you gals go through some carp with this gastric stuff I told my girl not to do it and just try harder dieting, its a mental thing i know and its really hard but i didnt want her to have to go through all of this, she finally just had a big scare and is doing real good with her weight loss now just hoping she makes her diet her new lifestyle.
I have always been a fatty, except when I was using LOL I used it as an excuse not to stop using becuase i always gain a lot of weight but i've finally got my weight controlled at 265, BUT i need to lose about 40 pounds cause my back is going on, pinched nerves etc etc I have started by eathing more salads and I get to the gym when my back aint out at least 2-3 times a week just to stay a little tone now i used to be a monster in the gym but not anymore.
Anyhow hang in there ladys take those vitamins not on an amty stomach though OUCH!!!! tummy aches