A while back I was looking at our service symblol and saw somthing neat. looking at it in 2 demension (as we normaly see it) it looks like a sguare peg in a round whole. It reminded me of just how I felt my whole life. I just didnt fit in. I dont ever remember feeling OK in my own skin. Sure I had a few friends growing up but outside of that, the world was a harsh place. School was hell. I seemed to be the brunt of everones joke. Maybe it was just my Imagination or that addict mentality, but it seemed real enough to me. So eventually this whole inside me started to open up, a round whole. Everything I ever tryed to put in it was square. It just didnt fit. But an addict like me just dont give up. So I spent alot of years trying to do something witch is virtualy impossible. That is until now. The funny thing about our symbol is that the square peg fits. Where else in this vast world would you find that. Only in NA. Just a thought
It sure is eazier to get through the moment than it is to get through the aftermath.