July 2. been a day of variety of feelings= been angry and irritated with the garage that did my Bolero Jeep. They kept it for three months after the accident and still have not done a good job or a complete job. Im thinking to sell it off but the tinkering is a dead give away !! Lucky for me I double checked somethings today and a happy that I found out vital info. Had a great walk on a lake side for about 2 miles,,, but then came a very weird feeling I cannot define exactly. Then a sponsee and I were sharing on the phone and nit struck me that the differance between Serenity and Depression for me is the thoughts. Depression also feels hopeless. Spent hardly anytime with my kid,, but lots of time with MA. It feels good to share thoughts with her. Another major project Im working on is looking real well,,,, thats JOY !! Well time to skype up my darling Jac. and then retire for the nite,,, goodnite and sleep tight yall,,and yes ,,, if you toss and turn,, just get up and say the Serenity Prayer in the "I" context and then see how you feel !!!
Raman an addict clean and serene just for today in NA Worldwide ; live to love and love to live the NA Way !!!