This is the beginning of a string I like to call, "What I Learned in Kindergarten"
Hello Fellow Addicts,
I have been in treatment now for exactly a week! I have attended more NA meetings than I can count and have found countless friends! I'm exhausted.
Out of everything I have learned, the most important has been to serender all to my Higher Power. Every morning, I begin my day with the following mantra:
"Good Morning!!! The sky is blue; the birds are singing; and the clouds are pink!"
Besides making someone else smile, this serves the purpose of reminding me that; although, things might seem great today (this moment, this day) I am still an addict and the scene can change quickly. I need to remember this.
The last time I tried recovery, I relapsed in a matter of weeks. I remember attending my first NA meeting only with the desire for the withdrawal symptoms to end. I would ask other members how long they were sick, and how long I would be. Of course, it wasn't long before the illness went away; and like in childbirth, the pain was forgotten. I had arrived on my pink cloud. I was happy. I was "clean"; or was I? I now know that clean time does not necessarily equate to being clean.
Today, I know I have a disease that requires constant attention to avoid relapse. I have a sponsor, attend meetings, and work the steps to the best of my ability. But, most importantly, I am learning to be honest with myself and others. I am currently working the first step. I know for a fact that my life had become unmanagible. And, today, I know it can return to that state in only an instant. I can not allow myself to enjoy the fantasy my disease creates.
Addiction is cunning and baffling and will allow my to believe I am all powerful. I'm not. It will destroy me if left untreated.
"The past is history... the future, a mystery... today is a gift... that is why they call it the present."
Today, we were read a story, given milk and cookies, and had a nap.
Okay, so we didn't get milk and cookies; and they really didn't read us a story... (I did take a nap.)
My sponsor told me the story of ChickenLittle and proceeded to grant me the nickname. My home NA group has followed suit. I am now ChickenLittle...
The sky is falling!!! This is what I do without any thought. Forget about turning it over, I'm already running around in circles. I try to tell everyone how to live; although I haven't quite figured it out myself.
I have faith that this character defect will soon be relieved.
"The past is history... the future, a mystery... today is a gift... that is why they call it the present."